Organic Hemp Bias Binding
New bias binding is here, made from our four Exclusive 100% Organic Hemp fabrics in Buckwheat, Rye, Pink Salt and Kale!
New Tweed Styles
New this week is an array of chic-looking tweed blend styles, think vintage-inspired jackets, suits and skirts! These timeless fabrics never go out of style and make for lovely special occasion wear or a way to add some interesting texture to your everyday outfit.

Ginghams, Checks + Stripes
A range of glorious new cotton gingham, checks, stripes and prints have been freshly added to our online collection this week! These crisp but lightweight styles are an absolute dream to work with.
$20/m Linen!
We've added a handful of additional linen colours to our Priced to Clear specials! These colours won't be around for long so check pick some up from your nearest store today.

On The Blog

DIY Projects — Table Setting + Oven Mitts!
On The Blog

Make by TFS — Bloom Dress in Liberty Silk
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