Teddy Sew Along

3 — Sleeves
25—March 2021
Now we will attach the sleeves or armhole facings. Scroll down to the option you are sewing!

With the right sides together, pin the sleeve head to the bodice, matching the notches. Overlock the seam and press it towards the body. Repeat for the other sleeve.

Now, pin the side seams with the right sides together. It can help to start by matching the underarm seams, then work towards the body hem and sleeve hem. Using your overlocker, sew the entire sleeve and side seam. Repeat for the other side and press the seams towards the back.

To sew the sleeveles option, pin the bodice together at the side seams with the right sides together. Overlock the seams and press them towards the back.

With the right sides together, overlock the armhole facings together at the shoulder and underarm. Press the seams towards the front (the facing piece with the single notch).

Neaten the outer, unnotched edge of the facing with your overlocker. Now, pin the armhole facing to the armhole opening on the bodice, right sides together and overlock them together. Under stitch the armhole facing with your sewing machine.

Next, press the facing to the wrong side of the bodice and pin it in place. Using a twin needle or your preferred finishing stitch, sew the facing to the bodice at 2cm. Repeat for the other side.
Next, we will sew the skirt, including the pockets.
Check out the Teddy Dress pattern in our Online Store here. Don't forget you can always email us via [email protected] if you need advice!
Teddy makes from our wonderful community are also popping up over on Instagram, follow @makebytfs and use #TFSTeddyDress so others can check out your creations!