Teddy Dress Sew Along

2 — Shoulders and Neckband
25—March 2021
In this post we sew the shoulders and attach the neckband.

Pin the shoulder seams with right sides together. If you choose to use mobilon elastic, cut a piece that is 2-3cm longer than the length of the shoulder. cut one piee for each shoulder.

Now we will overlock the shoulder seam. Start by catching the mobilon elastic excess with your overlocker first, then place the fabric underneath the mobilon.

Continue sewing the shoulder, catching the elastic with your needles as you sew, then run your stitching off the other side. Be careful not to stretch the elastic as you sew.

Trim the excess mobilon elastic and press the seam towards the back. Repeat for the other shoulder.

Next, take your neckband piece and with the right sides together sew the short ends to make a circle.

Now fold the neckband in half length ways with the wrong sides together. Pin your neckband to the right side of the body of the garment, matching the neckband seam to left shoulder seam and the notch on the neckband to the right shoulder seam.

Now we will baste your neckband to the bodice using a long stitch on your sewing machine. This will help with getting the neckband distributed evenly around the neck. You will need to stretch the neckband as you sew to ensure it fits the neck opening on the bodice.

Once the neckband has been basted in place, overlock the seam and then press it towards the body. Remove any visible basting stitches now, before finishing your neckband.

Now, top stitch the seam allowance to the body using a twin needle, cover seam, or your preferred finishing stitch. Start and finish at the left shoulder as worn.
Next, we will complete the bodice by attaching the sleeves, or armhole facings, depending on the option you are sewing.
Check out the Teddy Dress pattern in our Online Store here. Don't forget you can always email us via [email protected] if you need advice!
Teddy makes from our wonderful community are also popping up over on Instagram, follow @makebytfs and use #TFSTeddyDress so others can check out your creations!