Ivy Dress + Top Sew Along

2 — Sew the Bodice
18—May 2021
In this post, we will construct the bodice.

First, stay stitch the front bodice neckline.
Then, on the front bodice, pin the darts and sew them from the side seam, towards the dart point. Press the dart excess down. Neaten the sides and shoulders of the front bodice.

Stay stitch neckline of back bodice pieces.
Neaten the sides, centre back and shoulder edges of the of back bodice.

Fold the button loop as shown as per your pressing at the beginning and edge stitch it closed. Now fold the piece to form a loop.
Pin the button loop on the right side of the left back bodice piece at centre back, 1cm down from the neck edge. Align the raw edges with the centre back. Baste in place.

With the right sides together, pin, then sew the two back bodice pieces together at centre back from the notch to the waist edge. Press the seam open.

Pin the front shoulder to the back shoulder with the right sides together and sew them with a 1cm seam. Repeat for both shoulders. Press the seams open.

Pin the side seams then sew them together with a 1cm seam. Press the seams open.
Now you have assembled your bodice, it is time to move on to sewing the neckline, or collar!
Check out the Ivy Dress + Top pattern in our Online Store here. Don't forget you can always email us via [email protected] if you need advice!
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