Teddy Sew Along

5 — Assemble the Dress
25—March 2021
It's time to attach the skirt to the bodice and do the finishing touches!

Start by pinning the skirt to the bodice at the waist seam with the right sides together, sitting the skirt inside the bodice. Match the notches and side seams, and adjust the gathers so they are evenly spread around the skirt as you go.

Once it is sitting well, baste the layers together using a long stitch on your sewing machine.

Now we will overlock the skirt to the bodice, starting at one of the side seams. Place your fabric under the presser foot. If you are using mobilon elastic, lay the mobilon on top of the gathers at the seam line. Overlock the skirt, bodice and mobilon elastic together. Take care not to stretch the mobilon elastic or to catch any extra layers as you are overclocking!

Overlap the mobilon elastic about 1cm when you get to the end of the seam.

Remove any visible gathering stitches and press the waist seam towards the bodice.

Neaten the raw edge of the sleeve hem and then fold back the hem 2cm, wrong sides together. The pre-sewing pressing steps you made will help with this. Pin in place with the pins on the right side. Using a twin needle or your preferred finishing stitch, sew the sleeve hem at 2cm. Sew on the right side of the fabric, starting and finishing at the sleeve seam. Press your hem and repeat for the other sleeve.

Next, we will finish the skirt hem. Neaten the raw edge of the skirt hem and then fold back the hem 2cm, wrong sides together. The pre-sewing pressing steps you made will help with this. Pin in place with the pins on the right side and then using a twin needle or your preferred finishing stitch, sew the body hem with a 2cm seam. Sew on the right side of the fabric, starting and finishing at one of the side seams. Give your hem a press, you're nearly finished!

To keep your seam allowances in place, back tack in the ditch 2-3 stitches in the shoulder seam, at the sleeve head and secure the side seam by back tacking in the ditch 2-3 stitches in the sleeve seam at the underarm.

Clip any loose threads and give your dress a final press. All complete!
Check out the Teddy Dress pattern in our Online Store here. Don't forget you can always email us via [email protected] if you need advice!
Teddy makes from our wonderful community are also popping up over on Instagram, follow @makebytfs and use #TFSTeddyDress so others can check out your creations!